Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Saturday, January 29, 2005

more tags to consider

It seems there are three types of GRML tags. There are form tags for inupt controls. There are data tags for columns and results. There are query tags for sorting, grouping, finding, filtering, joins, and unions. Of course, most of these tags have not been implemented, yet. However, this is the direction new GRML releases are following.

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Form tags create input controls for users to submit forms. These tags are only used with web pages. However, a file, using form tags, has active input controls when a web destination is specificed.

Data tags create the view in GRML software. The view is where columns are results are displayed in GRML software.

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Query tags determine where and how to use data tags. When GRML software saves a GRML file or web page, these tags may not be included in the markup.