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Thursday, June 02, 2005

star wars - the rebellion and thereafter

Most of the events between Star Wars Episodes have been detailed in the Expanded Universe, but have not been detailed by Lucas himself. According to the Expanded Universe, between Episode 6: Return of the Jedi and Episode 7, Emperor Palpatine was succeeded by his Grand Vizier, Sate Pestage. He was in turn replaced by Director of Intelligence, Ysanne Isard.

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Grand Admiral Thrawn, a Chiss from Csilla, returned from the Unknown Regions to take over the weakened Empire. Following his assassination, Emperor Palpatine returned to rule in a clone body. His Royal Guardsman, Carnor Jax, arranged for all clone bodies of Emperor Palpatine to be damaged. Carnor Jax was slain by the last faithful Royal Guardsman, Kir Kanos.

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Carnor Jax was succeeded by the Imperial Interim Ruling Council, headed by Burr Nolyds. He was assassinated by the Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor, as were the two elected heads after him, first Admiral Banjeer, then General Immodet. Under the direction of Lord Manos, a Devaronian, they eventually elected Xandel Carivus.

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Carivus, in a foolish sense of pride, declared himself Emperor. Upon his assassination, the Republic was once again restored to its former position, upon the
growing threat posed by the Yuuzhan Vong. Leia Organa Solo was now recognized throughout the Galaxy as the undisputed Chief of State.

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In Episode 7, the Jedi had been reorganized, but so had the Dark Jedi, led by Shindor of Brontic. These Dark Jedi carried not only purple, blue and green-bladed light sabers, but yellow, orange, white and black-bladed light sabers as well. The main opponent in Episode 7 was one of the chief Dark Jedi under Shindor, Spiden of Volotta. Aided by Asp, a changeling spy from Sentor, Spiden and Shindor controlled a powerful new order of Dark Jedi.

Neither Shindor nor Spiden were Sith, for the Sith were truly extinct, no longer to terrorize the Galaxy. The war between the Dark Jedi and Luke’s New Jedi Order are
all part of Star Wars: The Sequel Trilogy, Episodes 7, 8, and 9. In the Sequel Trilogy, the threat of the Dark Jedi is vanquished, eliminating the dark side of
the Force forever.

Luke Skywalker and his sister, Leia Organa Solo, continued in their positions of leadership. 20 years after Episode 7, they entered into negotiations with
the fierce Raverons of the Unknown Regions. The Raverons attempted to take over the Republic, breaking their negotiations. Luckily, the Raverons failed.

Luke and Leia lived to be well over 100 years old. With Leia’s passing, Grone Tisal, Chief of Coruscant Secret Security, became the next elected Chief of State. The
Jedi Order continued to prosper and protect the Galaxy under Luke’s son, Ben Skywalker. Peace was established throughout the Galaxy.