Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Saturday, June 18, 2005

getting affiliate marketing to work

It seems to me people are looking for 1 specific way to make money using affiliates, some sort of Holy Grail. IMO there are 1000's of different ways you can make a decent living online.After a few years of hardwork and research I now have a method where I can create a site in 3 days and that site will make at around $1,000-$3,000 per month with NO WORK other work.

Commerce - Advertising (Ads)
Commerce - Affiliates
Commerce - Beginners
Commerce - Customers

A friend of mine who shares this strategy with me calls it 'passive income'. Sure my income per user isn't as good as some people here, but to me that is irrelavent. The bottom line for me is how much each site can earn per month for X hours of work.

Commerce - Domains
Commerce - Marketing Websites
Commerce - Merchants Sponsors
Commerce - Security

The beauty of these sites is the require no maintainence. Once I figured out this method I simply duplicated over and over and over again. My target is 50-100 sites over the next year or so - do the maths .

Commerce - Sales
Commerce - Traffic
Affiliates, Adsense, Advertising
Ads (Advertising) Placement and Layout

Ok I'm waffling here, my point here is no-one is just going to hand over all their secrets and dilute the effectiveness of their sites - are they now? My advice for people looking to make a living out of the www, is work hard, read as much as you can, test lots of different methods/ideas, talk to as many people as you can and don't expect something for nothing.

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Advertising Marketing websites
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Eventually you will find something that works for you. My original goal was for recurring income for as little work as possible, I had several ideas before I arrived where I am today, most of the ideas didn't work out but 1 did. Set your targets and keep pushing to achieve them - perseverance is everything but luck helps too!

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